Let's Talk
Training Pack
Equipping level 3 Elklan-trained practitioners to deliver our course for parents or carers of children aged under 5 years, Let's Talk at Home.
This Training Pack is for SaLT assistants, early years practitioners, teaching assistants, teachers, psychologists and parents who have succesfully completed Speech and Language Support for 0-3s, Speech and Language Support for 3-5s, Language & Literacy for 2-4s or Language and Learning for 2-4s at level 3.
In addition, applicants must evidence:
Parents are also encouraged to apply - please contact us to confirm eligibility.
In typical times we offer both online and face-to-face training. Both cover the same superb content and are taught by Heather Price, a highly experienced speech and language therapist and Elklan tutor. Currently, only online training is available.
Our online training is completed over two 3-hour or one full day webinar. You'll be expected to read the manual to prepare for the webinar.
Training takes place on one day and is delivered at two venues in the UK, London and Manchester.
If you'd like to commission Elklan to deliver face-to-face training for your local staff, please get in touch.
This Let's Talk at Home Training Pack costs £245.00 plus VAT per person, to include:
Training from a highly specialist and experienced Elklan tutor covering the course content of Let's Talk at Home
A complete training manual with all the information you need to deliver the course Let's Talk at Home
Sample parent packs for Let’s Talk, Let’s Count and Let’s Read
Access to the Let's Talk Tutors' Area on our website and training on how to manage and run the course
Ongoing support from our team before, during and after you deliver Elklan training
Once you are an Elklan Let’s Talk Tutor you are welcome to deliver Let's Talk at Home. You will be able to charge parents for attending a course that you deliver. Every course participant must have a parent pack. All that Elklan requests is payment for the parent packs.
There is an annual Let’s Talk Tutor licence fee of £30 plus VAT. Your first year’s fee is included in the Let’s Talk Training Pack arranged by Elklan, but not if training is received locally. All the rest of the income is yours!
You will be able to advertise your course on the Elklan website and we have flyers for you to download or buy to promote your courses. You will also be entitled to use our Elklan logo on your letter heading, your own website and other promotional material (e.g. Facebook).
We'd welcome an opportunity to talk with you about how you can become an Elklan Let's Talk Tutor.
These information sessions, held by webinar, are for Elklan learners on relevant courses who have or are currently completing accreditation at level 3.
Parents are encouraged to contact us to confirm their eligibility before applying.
Click a button to apply for your chosen Training Pack. We look forward to welcoming you soon.