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Let's Talk with Young People with SLD workbook sample image
Let's Talk with Young People with SLD workbook sample image
Let's Talk with Young People with SLD workbook sample image

Let's Talk with Young People with SLD workbook

£15.00 plus postage

Let's Talk with Young People with SLD provides simple, practical advice and activities to support and encourage the communication skills of this client group in everyday situations. It has been written for parents, carers and support staff but it is also be relevant to teaching staff. It is the core reading material for the accredited course Let's Talk with Young People with SLD.

It addresses many areas including:

  • What is communication?
  • Using positive interaction to promote communication
  • Supporting effective attention and listening
  • Helping adults and young people with learning difficulties to understand spoken language
  • Knowing which questions to ask when
  • Using Total Communication as a core approach to communication
  • Promoting vocabulary development
  • Developing expressive language.

The book has 63 pages 5 of which are coloured.

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