It's an Autism Thing - I'll Help You Understand It

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It's an Autism Thing - I'll Help You Understand It

4.98 out of 5 based on 43 reviews


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by Emma Dalmayne, illustrated by Raphelle Dalmayne.

A new book offering insights into the life of an autistic person.

It's an Autism thing... I'll help you understand is a valuable teaching and learning resource, written from the perspective of an autistic woman whose children are also on the autism spectrum.

Each chapter concentrates on a specific topic, which is broken down into 'My Experiences', 'Information' and 'Advice'. A picture is used to separate each section and make this clear.

The book offers insights into some of the potential trials and challenges of daily life for an autistic person.

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Victoria (Teacher, Researcher, and Mother)
11th March 2025

Emma Dalmayne’s little book, It’s an autism thing was a great help to me when I read it shortly after my son’s autism diagnosis. It is a short but powerful read. It helped me dispel all the stereotypes I had previously about autism (I was a teacher, and thought I knew about autism!) and to recognise myself in Emma’s description of what it feels like to be autistic. As well as giving my a massive insight into my son, it in fact helped me recognise that some of the behaviours and incidents I had experienced in my own childhood were likely due to my own autism. The sense of relief at being understood, and at understanding my son better, was enormous. Thank you so much Emma!

Truly, thanks so much for writing this little book

This review is for It's an Autism Thing - I'll Help You Understand It - paperback

Dave Gregson (Autistic adult)
12th February 2025

THIS BOOK BY Autistic Inclusive Meets CEO Emma Dalmayne, I was fortunate to be introduced to this organisation during my Tribunal case and received much support, this book is for everyone, whether directly involved with autism or not, about the importance of neurodivergence. Emma, like me, was diagnosed with autism as an adult, this book chronicles personal experiences and well crafted learning guides. Two excellent quotes from this book, which summarise neurodivergence and the fact that autism is nothing to fear, its a positive and neurodivergence applies to everyone, communities, society, schools and of course workplaces.

This review is for It's an Autism Thing - I'll Help You Understand It - paperback

Lisa Keegan (Parent)
12th February 2025

I would like to thank you for writing and publishing It's An Autism Thing I'll Help You Understand It, such an inspiring book. The book has made me see things differently and how best I can understand the needs and support my child. I would highly recommend people buy It's An Autism Thing I'll Help You Understand It book. Money well spent.

This review is for It's an Autism Thing - I'll Help You Understand It - paperback

Sarah Brooks (Parent)
12th February 2025

Ur book was fantastic Emma 👏 so many of these things u wrote about was exactly like my two girls. The book is brilliant to look back over for advice 😀 xx

This review is for It's an Autism Thing - I'll Help You Understand It - paperback