Speech and Language Support for 3-5s

Amazing impact in Early Years settings.

This is feedback we received from a learner recently who completed Speech and Language Support for 3-5s - it speaks for itself! 

"As a Senior Early Years practitioner and SENCO in a Pre-school I support every child’s individual needs. We have noticed over the last few years that communication and language skills of the children have been lower on entry and that we are often having to give much more communication support. This can be due to many factors including a rise in children who speak English as an Additional Language (EAL) more recognition of additional needs and more funding available for vulnerable families to enable more two year olds to come to the settings.

The ELKLAN course has increased my level understanding in what ‘communication’ actually is. It has helped me to be more aware of and to pinpoint the reasons behind difficulties with communication as well as understanding at what level children are operating at and then to adapt practice to make sure their needs are met. It has given me confidence in providing more support and advice to other staff in the team also.

Before taking on ELKLAN I had a small group of children with speech and language difficulties that I planned separate activities for on a weekly basis. I was shown what activities to use by the children’s speech and language therapist and she had set their targets. On one occasion one of the children had clearly reached his target but he had to repeat it while the others in the group were still working towards it and until the speech and language therapist came back to set new targets. I feel now that I would be able to continue developing that child’s skills and moving him on whist still supporting the original target with the other children because I understand more now what should come next for children to develop their communication skills.

I believe that all children who attend Pre-school have benefited from what I have learnt on this course and I am excited to start putting more and more opportunities for children in place in Pre-school because I have enjoyed and I am motivated by everything I have learnt."

– Alison Duligall